Wednesday, December 31, 2008

the power of A mother's love

Motherhood is being available to your children whenever they need you, no matter what their age or their need
(major doris P)

There was never a great man who had not a great mother
(the story of an African Farm)

The best way to keep children home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant , and let the air out of the tires
(dorothy Parker)

The giving of love is an education in itseft
(eleanor roosevelt)

A mother is not to be compared with any other person - she is incomparable
(african proverb)

When mother Theresa received her Nobel Prize, she was asked, " What can we do to promote world peace?" She replied. " Go home and love your family."

Loving a child is circular business....The more you give, the more you get, the more u get, the more you want to give
(penelope leach)

I do not love him because he is good
I love him because he is my child

Suddenly she was here. And i was no longer pregnant. I was a mother.  I never believed in miracles before 
(ellen greene)

Off all the rights of woman, the greatest is to be a mother

Mother are really the true spiritual teachers
(oprah winfrey)

Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction
(anne sullivan)

The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom
(henry ward beecher)

I love people. I love my family, my children... but inside myselft is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up
(pearl s. buck)

the last day in 2008

Everyday is a new day

It is also hard to jump out of bed and begin a new day. Specially when you know that today will not go as how you planned it, and also when all you want to do is get back in bed, feel safe under your blankets, and daydream about getting your way today. But this is God's gift, He gives us the power to make those daydreams a reality not only for us but also the people who will be greatly influenced by our dreams. But the question is how can YOU make those dreams a reality when you are sitting comfortably in bed?
Stand up, leave those covers on your bed and face the world with your God-given power and MAKE the world give you your way. Face the world with no uncertainties and look people in the eye boldly then say "I will have my own way today."
And when you don't get your way today try again tomorrow. That is another one of God's gifts, the ability to try again and again.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

who needs a bath???

Dani doesn't take a bath . He is in a hurry. Dani calls Farrel and Angel. They eat in a hurry."Dora needs a bath ( Dora is the named of a birma cat ). The other children watch him. The children admire Dani. Dora does not like his bath."Done !" says Dani proudly. But Dora is not done! Dani also needs a bath. All the children laugh when Dora broke the water to Dani . Ha ha ha aha

Why did I strike out ??

Don't be discouraged when you don't always win. God loves both teams the one that wins and the one that loses. If you played to the best of your ability then God is pleased with you. Don't lose heart , there will be more games in the future.

"when men are cast dowm, then thou shalt say, there is lifting up and he shall save the humble person"

OH BOY !!!

Why can't I play soccer as well as my friends ????

We all have different talents. We are not all good at something !!. But we can all be good at something ! Maybe you are good at sport. Or perhaps you are better at drawing, reading, or writing. Some poeple sing beautifully. others can play an instrument. Some people are great as helpers. Whatever you enjoy doing, ask God to help you to do it for Him.

"even a child is known by his doings, wheather his work be pure , and wheather it be right"

Why can't I watch TV all day??

Sometimes it is hard to get out of your pajamas and get dressed.Especially when all you want to do is be a person of excellence. He wants you to make every day count. You can make and doing what He wants you to do.

Dear God.....

why do i have to do what mom says????

It is not always fun making your bed or cleaning your room. But God wants us to obey our parents. God has put your parents in charge of knowing what's best for you. So next time Mom asks you to help in the kitchen, respond with respect and obedience.You will make your mom happy. 

You will be pleasing God, too!!!